World's oldest man dies two months before his 115th birthday

World's oldest man dies two months before his birthday his 115th birthday
World's oldest man dies two months before his birthday his 115th birthday Copyright Guinness World Records - YouTube
Copyright Guinness World Records - YouTube
By David Mouriquand
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Juan Vicente Pérez Mora credited his longevity to "working hard, resting on holidays, going to bed early, drinking a glass of aguardiente every day, loving God, and always carrying him in his heart."


The world's oldest man, Juan Vicente Pérez Mora, has died aged 114 - just two months before what would have been his 115th birthday.

Guinness World Records confirmed the news, stating: "After living through both World Wars, seeing the invention of the television, and witnessing the landing of a man on the moon, Juan Vicente also survived COVID-19 in 2020."

Guinness World Records awarded the Venezuelan the distinction on 4 February 2022, when he was 112 years and 253 days, after Saturnino de la Fuente García died weeks earlier.

Craig Glenday, Guinness World Records Editor-in-Chief, stated: "It’s been an honour to recognize and celebrate the incredible long life of Venezuela’s first ever fully authenticated supercentenarian man. Not only was Sr Perez Mora his country’s oldest citizen and the first South American recognised by GWR as the oldest living man, he is now history’s fourth oldest male whose age has been officially ratified."

Glenday added: "How remarkable to think that we’ve just said goodbye to a man born before Louis Bleriot flew across the English Channel!"

Juan Vicente Pérez Mora
Juan Vicente Pérez MoraGuinness World Records

Pérez Mora was born on 27 May 1909 in Venezuela to Euquitio Pérez and Edelmira Mora and was living in Táchira state when he died.

He had 11 children –six sons and five daughters– with Ediofina del Rosario García. They were married for 60 years until she died in 1997. He also had 42 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren and 12 great-great-grandchildren.

Táchira Governor Freddy Bernal said on X: "With deep sadness and pain we say goodbye to this archetype of Tachirense man, humble, hardworking, peaceful, enthusiastic about family and tradition."

President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela also paid tribute to Pérez on social media, writing: "Juan Vicente Pérez Mora has transcended into eternity at 114 years old. I send my hugs and condolences to his family and to all the people of El Cobre, Táchira state. May God receive him in his holy glory."

When he was awarded the Guinness World Record title in 2022, Pérez Mora credited his longevity to "working hard, resting on holidays, going to bed early, drinking a glass of aguardiente every day, loving God, and always carrying him in his heart."

The next oldest man living is expected to be 112-year-old Gisaburo Sonobe of Japan, pending confirmation from his family. Sonobe's birth date needs to be confirmed before the title can be awarded, according to the Gerontology Research Group.

Additional sources • Guinness Book of World Records

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