Australian PM sides with egger over egged anti-Muslim senator

An egg is smashed over Fraser Anning's head
An egg is smashed over Fraser Anning's head Copyright Reuters
Copyright Reuters
By Associated Press with NBC News World News
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Sen. Fraser Anning has been widely condemned for blaming Muslim immigration for racist attacks on two New Zealand mosques that claimed at least 50 lives.


CANBERRA, Australia — Australia's prime minister has suggested an anti-Muslim senator should be charged after he hit a teen who cracked a raw egg over the legislator's head.

Sen. Fraser Anning has been widely condemned for blaming Muslim immigration for racist attacks on two New Zealand mosques that claimed at least 50 lives.

The 17-year-old boy who egged Anning has become an online hero.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Sunday took the side of the egger, telling reporters: "The full force of the law should be applied to Sen. Anning."

Police allege the boy assaulted the senator with the egg. The boy's name has not been made public

.Police said the boy was arrested but was released without charge pending a further investigation.

Police also said Anning "retaliated and struck the teen twice."The government and opposition party agreed to pass a censure motion against Anning over his stance on the Christchurch shootings when Parliament resumes in April.

Morrison said he denounced Anning's comments."In his conflation of this horrendous terrorist attack with issues of immigration, in his attack on Islamic faith specifically — these comments are appalling and they're ugly and they have no place in Australia, in the Australian Parliament," Morrison said. "He should be, frankly, ashamed of himself."

Anning was widely condemned for his first speech to the Senate in August advocating reviving a white-only immigration policy and using the term "final solution" in calling for a vote on which migrants to admit into the country. Critics accused him of making a veiled reference to the Nazi extermination of Jews.

The government also announced on Saturday it had banned right-wing commentator Milo Yiannopoulos from touring the country over his social media response to the Christchurch shootings.

Immigration Minister David Coleman said Yiannopoulos' social media comments are "appalling and foment hatred and division."Lawmakers within Australia's conservative government had been quarreling in recent weeks over whether Yiannopoulos should be allowed to tour Australia this year.

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