Natalie Portman snubs 'Jewish Nobel'

Premiere Of Paramount Pictures' "Annihilation" - Red Carpet
Natalie Portman at the premiere of "Annihilation" at the Regency Village Theater in Westwood, California, on Feb. 13. Copyright Emma McIntyre
Copyright Emma McIntyre
By Associated Press with NBC News World News
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Israel's culture minister said Portman had "fallen like a ripe fruit" into the hands of supporters of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.

JERUSALEM — Actress Natalie Portman has snubbed a prestigious prize known as the "Jewish Nobel" because of "extreme distress" over recent events in Israel, triggering an angry response Friday from some in the country's political establishment.

Portman was to have received the award in Israel in June, but told the Genesis Prize Foundation, which awards the prize, through a representative that she would "not feel comfortable participating in any public events in Israel." The movie star did not elaborate as to what had made her feel that way.

The country faces international criticism over its use of lethal force in response to mass protests along the Gaza border led by the Islamic militant group that rules the territory.

One Israeli lawmaker warned that Portman's decision is a sign of eroding support for Israel among young American Jews.

The Jerusalem-born Portman is a dual Israeli-American citizen. She moved to the United States as a young girl, evolving from a child actress into a widely acclaimed A-list star. Portman received the 2011 best-actress Academy Award for "Black Swan," and, in 2015, she directed and starred in "Tale of Love and Darkness," a Hebrew-language film set in Israel based on an Amos Oz novel. Her success is a great source of pride for many Israelis.

The Genesis Prize Foundation said Thursday that it had been informed by Portman's representative that "recent events in Israel have been extremely distressing" to Portman, though it did not refer to specific events.

Since March 30, more than three dozen Palestinians have beenkilled by Israeli Army fire, most of them in protests on the Gaza-Israeli border. Hundreds more have been wounded by Israeli troops during this time.

Israel says it is defending its border and accuses Hamas, a militant group sworn to Israel's destruction, of trying to carry out attacks under the guise of protests. It has said that some of those protesting at the border over the past few weeks tried to damage the fence, plant explosives and hurl firebombs, or flown kites attached to burning rags to set Israeli fields on fire. Several Israeli communities are located near the Gaza border.

Rights groups have branded open-fire rules as unlawful, saying they effectively permit soldiers to use potentially lethal force against unarmed protesters.

Israel's right-wing culture minister, Miri Regev, said in a statement Friday that she was sorry to hear that Portman "has fallen like a ripe fruit into the hands of BDS supporters," referring to a Palestinian-led global movement of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel.

"Natalie, a Jewish actress born in Israel, is joining those who relate to the wondrous success story of Israel's rebirth as a story of 'darkness and darkness,' " Regev said.

Rachel Azaria, a lawmaker from the centrist Kulanu party, warned that Portman's decision to stay away is a sign of eroding support for Israel among young American Jews.

"The cancellation by Natalie Portman needs to light warning signs," Azaria said in a statement. "She is totally one of us. She identifies with her Jewishness and Israeli-ness. She is expressing now the voices of many in U.S. Jewry, mainly those of the young generation. This is a community that was always a significant anchor for the state of Israel. The price of losing them could be too high."

Oren Hazan, a legislator in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing Likud Party, called on the government to revoke Portman's Israeli citizenship.

The Genesis foundation said it was "very saddened" by Portman's decision and would cancel the prize ceremony, which had been set for June 28.

"We fear that Ms. Portman's decision will cause our philanthropic initiative to be politicized, something we have worked hard for the past five years to avoid," it said.

The prize was launched in 2013 to recognize Jewish achievement and contributions to humanity. Previous recipients include former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, actor Michael Douglas, violinist Itzhak Perlman and sculptor Anish Kapoor.

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