‘Baby killers’: Irish politician’s office defaced with anti-abortion graffiti

‘Baby killers’: Irish politician’s office defaced with anti-abortion graffiti
Copyright Tony McLoughlin via Storyful
Copyright Tony McLoughlin via Storyful
By Alice Cuddy
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The vandalism appeared after a bill to legalise abortion services passed all stages in the Irish senate.


An Irish politician’s office was defaced this week with graffiti saying “baby killers”, after a bill to legalise abortion services passed all stages in the country's senate.

Tony McLoughlin of Ireland’s centre-right Fine Gael party said he was “disappointed” that his constituency office in the town of Sligo had been “vandalised and defaced”.

“We live in a proud democracy and despite ones opinion on any referendum, this behaviour can never condoned,” he wrote on Twitter on Friday.

A picture shared by the lawmaker showed insults including “baby killers” and “skum bags” scrawled on the front of the office.

The building was vandalised after abortion legislation, called the Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy Bill, passed in the Seanad (Irish Senate) on Thursday night.

It follows a referendum in May, in which more than 66% of voters said they wanted to repeal a constitutional amendment from 1983 that effectively banned abortions.

The new legislation, set to come into effect in January, allows for abortion services to be provided to women “on demand” up to the 12th week of pregnancy.

After 12 weeks, abortions will be permitted in exceptional circumstances.

Police are investigating the vandalism.

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