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Confinement concerto as isolating musicians play Beethoven from home

Video. Confinement concerto as isolating musicians play Beethoven from home

Musicians from the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, who are self-isolating due to the coronavirus pandemic, came together to record a virtual, collaborative performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th symphony from their homes.

Musicians from the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, who are self-isolating due to the coronavirus pandemic, came together to record a virtual, collaborative performance of Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th symphony from their homes.

The Dutch orchestra filmed the finale of Beethoven's symphony 'Ode to Joy' with 19 musicians recording their individual parts on their respective instruments to a click track. Each part was then added to an audio mix along with an archival recording of the final choir segment.

As concert halls and theatres have been turned into silent, dark spaces by the need for social distancing to slow the spread of the virus, musicians forced into self-isolation have been finding creative ways to perform.


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