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Angela Merkel mosaic

Video. Kosovar artist makes Merkel mosaic from seeds

Kosovar artist Alkent Pozhegu is making a mosaic from seeds representing the outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whom he wishes to thank for having been "an example for all the women of the world" and for the support she has given to his country, which declared its independence in 2008.

Kosovar artist Alkent Pozhegu is making a mosaic from seeds representing the outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whom he wishes to thank for having been "an example for all the women of the world" and for the support she has given to his country, which declared its independence in 2008.

He is doing his work on the same day that Germans are voting in the general elections to choose a successor to Merkel, who has led her country for 16 years.

Alkent Pozhegu holds two Guinness World Records for his giant mosaics made with seeds.


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