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Davide Martello, Italian musician, playing piano for refugees at Polish-Ukraine border.

Video. Piano player brings musical relief to Ukraine refugees

Refugees entering Poland from Ukraine had a pleasant surprise Friday when an Italian pianist showed up to welcome them at the Medyka border crossing.

Refugees entering Poland from Ukraine had a pleasant surprise Friday when an Italian pianist showed up to welcome them at the Medyka border crossing.

The pianist, Davide Martello, said he wanted to offer the refugees some musical relief from the war they are fleeing.

"They leave the bombs behind and they go to the music," said Martello, while refugees around him were taking pictures and clapping.

"I am saying 'hello' to all these people who are coming in and saying 'hello' with my piano."

The number of refugees who have fled Ukraine has now reached 1.2 million, the International Organization for Migration said Friday.

This could become the "biggest refugee crisis this century," the U.N. has said, predicting that as many as four million people could leave.

The European Union decided Thursday to grant temporary protection and residency permits to people fleeing Ukraine.


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