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Mid shot of the oil leak from a pipe in Lago Agrio, Ecuador

Video. Oil spill in Ecuador's Amazon region a result of 'sabotage'

A state oil pipeline in Ecuador was hit by an act of "sabotage" on Wednesday, causing an oil spill in the Amazon basin, the national crude oil company Petroecuador said in a statement.

A state oil pipeline in Ecuador was hit by an act of "sabotage" on Wednesday, causing an oil spill in the Amazon basin, the national crude oil company Petroecuador said in a statement.

The incident on the Trans-Ecuadorian Pipeline System (SOTE) led to a leak that was "intentionally near a body of water" on the outskirts of Lago Agrio in the east, the company said, without specifying the amount of oil lost or what the act of sabotage was.

"The emergency has been controlled," said Petroecuador, which temporarily suspended its operations and mobilised personnel to contain and clean up the spill.


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