Reaching new heights
with all the classics





In the run up to its world-famous musical festival, InClassica wanted to awaken the senses among new audiences and existing fans by bringing together renowned musicians alongside fresh musical talent in the classical sector.

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With its new and exciting Culture vertical, Euronews helped captivate music enthusiasts across its TV and digital platforms around the flagship magazine show, “CULT,” broadcast in 9 languages.




​The InClassica campaign featured TV broadcasts of two “CULT” reports in nine languages on Euronews and a 60-billboard spot campaign.


Digitally, it included an online hub on with native articles in English and Russian, live streams, and a 100% SOV on Euronews Culture supported by premium traffic drivers.


An audience extension and display campaign utilised strategic display formats and traffic drivers across, redirecting to the InClassica website   with Euronews Travel’s social media promoting the “CULT” series.


    • 74 M
      Individuals reached
    • 7 M
      Social media impressions
    • 1 M
      Impressions from audience extension
    • 46 K
      Page views on the articles
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