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Sustainable fashion inspired by millenia of Chinese cultural history
Copyright Icicle
Copyright Icicle
Copyright Icicle

Sustainable fashion inspired by millenia of Chinese cultural history

In partnership with
By Euronews Living
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Icicle has opened its first store outside of China selling clothing that seeks harmony between human and nature.


In anticipation of their upcoming Biennale, 1.618 are partnering with euronews Living to tell the environmental, social and essentially human stories behind their unique collection of international brands.

From the heights of the Tibetan Plateau to the cosy warmth of Scandinavian hygge, we'll be asking 1.618's big names in sustainable luxury all about their inspiration. Behind each brand is a story of determination and dedication to social and environmental issues, a story that reveals the changing face of luxury.

Founded in Shanghai, China, Icicle has been trying to reunite fashion with nature and comfort since 1997. Their designs aim to be clean and sophisticated, drawing on thousands of years of rich Chinese history then adapting it for modern living. Read more below about how the brand is treating their five core materials with respect to create clothing that shuns wasteful trends.

What does sustainable luxury mean to you?

Think twice before buying anything, buy better like eco-conscious products (either recycled or the most naturally made), make them last (mending, transmitting, second hand), and educate the new generations to this (parents and schools).


Is social responsibility a big part of what you do?

Icicle owns its production facilities and carefully controls its materials suppliers by selecting the best in terms of plant quality, SER, fabrics and dyeing processes (undyed, or vegetable dyed). The company provides the highest working standards for the workers, and their housing. Our simple yet sophisticated design avoids fabric waste. So throughout the whole value chain, Icicle pursues a new fashion road traced by the respect of Nature and People.

What values are important to Icicle?

Honest products, socially and environmentally respectful, with a beautiful look and feeling through the quality of their natural materials and their pure design.

Tell us about the materials you choose to use?

Japanese organic cotton, Belgian linen, Italian wools, Mongolian cashmere kept in their original colours, Chinese heavy silk that is cruelty-free.

Why do you feel transparency is so important to sustainability?

In a century where internet uncovers so much, transparency must be a tool for honesty. For Icicle, it implies a trust between the brand and its customers through the explanation of value and story behind each garment. In the long term, it shall result in making our consumption more responsible at a time where natural resources are getting more and more limited by making the consumer more aware of its actions and power.

You can find more information about Icicle here and check out the 1.618 guide featuring all of their sustainable luxury brands here.

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