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Artist Gaetan Marron in his cube for his project "Non essential"

Video. French artist lives in glass cube to highlight lack of 'human contact'

A Marseille-based artist is confining himself for ten days in a four square metre cube visible to passers-by in a new installation entitled "Non essential".

A Marseille-based artist is confining himself for ten days in a four square metre cube visible to passers-by in a new installation entitled "Non essential".

Artist Gaëtan Marron said the work is about "bringing culture, which clearly saved us during this lockdown, back to the centre of the subject".

He will stay in a glass cube that does have some non essential items including a TV and coffee machine.

"I think that today culture, art, but especially culture in general, has clearly saved us during this lockdown. I think that without it, it would have been much more complicated," Marron said.

"I have the feeling that today in these days we miss what is really the real human contact, what we call today social networks, whereas we have really lost social links in this period," he added.

"And I think it's not insignificant if a lot of people don't feel really well, are depressed at the moment, it's because we really lost something from all this."


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