International rescue of Sub-Saharan and Palestinian migrants

Video. International rescue of Sub-Saharan and Palestinian migrants

More than 200 sub-Saharan and Palestinian migrants were rescued from boats in the Mediterranean Sea on Wednesday, August 12.They were taken to port in the Italian city of Pozzallo, Sicily, where they were received by Médecins Sans Frontieres. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees says that about 250,000 migrants have crossed by sea to Europe so far this year.

More than 200 sub-Saharan and Palestinian migrants were rescued from boats in the Mediterranean Sea on Wednesday, August 12.
They were taken to port in the Italian city of Pozzallo, Sicily, where they were received by Médecins Sans Frontieres. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees says that about 250,000 migrants have crossed by sea to Europe so far this year.


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