Iwao Hakamada answers to reporters' questions after a walk in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka prefecture, central Japan Monday, March 13, 2023.

Video. Tokyo court orders retrial of ex-boxer after 57 years on death row

Tokyo's High Court ordered a retrial on Monday for an 87-year-old former boxer, Iwao Hakamada, dubbed the world's longest-serving death row inmate, nearly six decades after he was convicted of murder.

Tokyo's High Court ordered a retrial on Monday for an 87-year-old former boxer, Iwao Hakamada, dubbed the world's longest-serving death row inmate, nearly six decades after he was convicted of murder.

"I was waiting for this day for 57 years, and it has come," said Hakamada's sister Hideko, who has campaigned tirelessly on her brother's behalf.

One key piece of evidence used to convict him was a set of blood-stained clothes that emerged more than a year after the crime.

Supporters say the clothes did not fit him and the bloodstains were too vivid given the time elapsed.


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