Mud on the Dnipro river

Video. Watch: Dnipro water levels spell danger for Zaporizhzhia region

Water levels in the Dnipro river in Zaporizhzhia have dropped significantly since the Kakhovka dam was destroyed and threaten to affect drinking water, food supplies and ecosystems reaching into the Black Sea.

Water levels in the Dnipro river in Zaporizhzhia have dropped significantly since the Kakhovka dam was destroyed and threaten to affect drinking water, food supplies and ecosystems reaching into the Black Sea.

The short-term dangers can be seen from outer space; with tens of thousands of parcels of land flooded and more to come but experts say the long-term consequences will be generational.

When Russian forces seized the Kakhovka Dam, the whole system fell into neglect and - whether by accident or design - the Russian forces allowed water levels to fluctuate uncontrollably.


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